Vinyl Overstock
Vinyl Overstock
Do you have a small vinyl cutter? Maybe a Cricket? At Signs by Connie we have a VINYL OVERSTOCK! We have scrap vinyl in various colors. We have rolls of vinyl in 14″, 24″, and 30″ rolls.
Since we are now capable of printing directly on to various media, we no longer need the amount of vinyl we once used. Basic colors like white, black, green, and red will be unavailable for purchase. However, we have many shades of blue, purple, metallic, yellow etc. Please come in and take some of this vinyl off our hands. We are looking at pricing of $1 per square foot with a minimum of $15. We can negotiate pricing if you are looking to order a roll of vinyl. Some of these rolls have not been used!
Signs by Connie: Currently your supplier of vinyl!
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