Holiday Banners
Holiday Banners
Do you want your holiday celebration to stand out among your guest? Spread some cheer and add some pizzazz to your party with a Holiday Banner. For a limited time, Signs by Connie is offering one of the above designs for only $25. You will get a 2′ x 4′ banner with grommets in the corners for hanging for only $25. This bargain holiday banner will make your party or gathering stand out from the rest.
Call today and mention the Holiday Banner Sale. Pricing is good through December 21.
If you want to make other changes to the banner regular pricing options apply. Banners are $4 a square foot for single sided and $7 a square foot for double sided. Please add $6 for grommets.
If you want to order, please call 352-596-0207 or email us and let us know which banner choice you want.